My Beliefs
I respect other people with their beliefs and here are mine. I have a testimony of and I respect, honor and love my Heavenly Father. I am so thankful to our Savior Jesus Christ for his Atoning Sacrifice. I appreciate the guidance by the Spirit of the Holy Ghost. And to the Godhead I appreciate this beautiful world and all the opportunities we have in this life to learn and grow.
For those not familiar with my religion let me give an example of my schedule as being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Every Sunday we go to church for 2 hours. We have Sacrament Meeting attended by all members and non-members are welcome as well. Babies and Children also attend. We Sing, Pray and hear Talks given by members of the Congregation. All Church Service is Voluntary, there are no paid positions. Everyone helps out when asked and when they can. Each Sunday, we take the Sacrament which is prepared bread and water, which is blessed and passed to members of the congregation by Priesthood Holders that reminds us of the promises we made to Heavenly Father. Once a month we have Fast Sunday which means we do not eat for 2-3 meals and give the money we would have used for food to the poor
Next hour we have Sunday School where we study the Scriptures. We study the King James Version of the Bible and the Book of Mormon a record of the people from the American Continent who saw Jesus Christ after his Resurrection. The Children go to Primary where they have singing time. I lead singing time for the children. We all have church callings we do that are not paid.
We are asked to have Family Home Evenings on Monday Night. (sometimes we have it on other days if our schedule is busy) This is a meeting for our family where we sing, pray and take turns each week teaching an inspirational lesson and we usually have fun as a family.
We attend the Temple as often as we can. For us we try to go once a week. In the Temple we do work for those who have passed before us. We believe Families are Eternal and that we can be Sealed Together for Time and All Eternity in the Temple. We seek to do our Genealogy Work and help to Seal family members together. Here we pray for the sick and those seeking special blessings.
Most of The Church members I know do so much Charity work and I have seen much Kindness, Sacrifice and Love displayed by Members of our Church. However, even though I believe the Church to be true, I also believe the members to be Human Beings and they do make mistakes. With that being said, I believe we should forgive and love all people.
Great Church Links
Here is a great link to see our beliefs and to find a place near you and know what to expect when you visit.
As a Member of the Church, The Website I use the most is the official website of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints This is great for planning lessons or talks. It has a terrific search engine of all scriptures and past talks from Prophets and Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
If you would like to know more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from our Missionaries, simply call this toll free number: 1.888.573.7700 This number can be called 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Humanitarian Aid

I love donating to the Church Humanitarian Program and would suggest anyone to do the same…because every dollar goes directly to help the people who need the help and not into the pockets of those running the program or to the upkeep of the program like some other charities may have to do.
You can even donate to ‘Cash for Emergency Response” for any disasters that may come up in the future. The Church is often the first to respond.
In 2021 they helped 188 countries totaling over $906 million and 6 million volunteer hours of labor that were reported (I’m sure there were many hours not reported as we all go about doing service for the Lord) That is not counting any service done locally for church callings and in communities and for innumerable charity organizations
Check out the “List of World Wide Humanitarian Activities” This link tells about the Humanitarian Aid. Just type HUMANITARIAN in the search bar if it doesn’t connect right away.
How to Learn More
All downloads are free to copy and use but not to sell

Sacrament Meeting Programs – click to download: for more current programs email and I will email you some.
Education Week Talk– click to download:
Patti’s Sheet Music- All are under Copyright -You can download and perform it for free but no re-sale of music without permission – If you perform it, I would love to have a video. Please send it to me.
Choir Arrangements – click to download: for more current programs email and I will email you some.